A message from Dave Durante and Chad Vaughn

Feb 20, 2019

“We’ve been able to bring together some of the world’s top coaches, clinicians, and athletes with the aim to help people of all levels, ages, and backgrounds understand movement technique and the importance of building a strong foundation for all of their physical goals. It has been an incredible journey passing along what we’ve learned over our multiple decades of training and competing at every level within our respective sports.”
-@davedurante and @olychad
We are honored and excited to return to Tennessee May 5th-11th to continue sharing our passion for movement at Power Monkey Camp 11. We hope to see you there in May.
Go to powermonkeycamp.com to sign up today and become a part of the Power Monkey Family.
#monkeymethod #powermonkeycamp#fitnesscamp #fitnessretreat#investinyourself

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